Street Milling and Resurfacing



Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC will be milling and resurfacing your streets within the next couple weeks. First the streets will be prepared by milling or grinding the asphalt and then by sweeping. It is recommended that you close your windows and turn on your air conditioner during this time due to the dust that will be swept up. The work for this project will be performed between the hours of 7:30 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. In case of delay due to weather or other conditions, the work will be rescheduled and you will be re-notified.

Access to driveways will be maintained except for brief periods when the crew is directly adjacent to the drive. A liquid “tack” coat will be applied to each lane and a new asphalt surface applied immediately thereafter. Please keep children, pets, and vehicles off of the liquid tack to avoid tracking this material onto driveways and into homes.

Residents are requested to refrain from parking vehicles on the street and to refrain from lawn watering which would allow water to run on the street the day of the scheduled work.

Please observe all traffic control devices and flaggers. Driving on the new surface may resume after final rolling, however care should be taken in turning, backing, and braking for several days to prevent damage to the new surface. Your patience and cooperation during this project is greatly appreciated.



Ajax Paving Industries of Florida, LLC

Asphalt Paving Company