Architectural Review

The Beneva Oaks Covenants provide that:

No major improvement or structure of any kind, including, without limitation any building, fence, wall, swimming pool, tennis court, screen enclosure, water or sewer line, drain, solar energy device, decorative building, landscaping, landscape device or object, or other improvements, shall be commenced, erected, placed or maintained upon any property, nor shall any addition, change, or alteration therein or thereof be made, unless and until the plans, specifications and location of the same shall have been submitted to the Architectural Review Committee consisting of a minimum of three but no more than five community members, none of whom are sitting board members or are related to sitting board members. Upon approval by the Architectural Review Committee, plans will be forwarded to the Board of Directors for review and final approval. All plans and specifications shall be evaluated as to their conformity with the existing character of the neighborhood. If, however, failure to approve occurred, the petitioner may request a special meeting of the general membership to be held for a vote by the community at large. A simple majority vote by the general membership would be required to overturn the decision of the Board of Directors.

Please submit requests for ARC review to using the following form:

BOHA Request for Exterior Home Alterations v2

An explanation of the ARC protocol is also available:

Beneva Oaks ARC Protocols