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Holiday Decoration Removal (rescheduled)
GatehouseHelp take down the lights and banners from the lamp poles and gates. All ages, all help welcome. Meet at the front gates and we will split into crews. Bring a tall ladder if you have one.
Ladies Only White Elephant Party
Chiha Residence 3600 Beneva Oaks BlvdAnnual Holiday Party
Kumar/Hering cul-de-sac Beneva Oaks CircleTo be held outdoors in the cul-de-sac at the northwest end of the neighborhood. Main entrees and sides provided. Please bring your own beverages and/or some to share! Water, ice, and coolers will be available. Don’t forget to bring a chair if desired. Kona Ice truck from 5-6pm. Any tables/chairs to be volunteered, please put